Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Epic Poem- A long, narrative poem that is usually about heroic deeds and event that are significant to the culture in the poem.

Epic Hero- A brave and noble character in a Epic poem, admired for great achievements or affected by grand events.

Kenning- A metaphorical phrase that takes place of a noun or a name, a kenning suggest key characteristics.

Caesura- A pause in the middle of a line of poetry, a caesura is usually indicated by a comma, semicolon,period,or dash.

Alliteration- Is the repetition of consonant sound at the beginnings of words.

Friday, September 25, 2015


What I get out of this quote " The Flame That Burns Twice As Bright Burns Half As Long " is,
that in life you should take it at a steady, comfortable paste in life and you will make it where
every you want to be or reach any of your goals. What the meaning of it is if you treat every thing in
life like it is a race you will burn your self out and will never reach the goals you have.

I do agree with this quote.

Thursday, September 24, 2015


-(Photo)-                               Light                    Photography,Astrophotographer

-(Port)-                                 Carry                   Export,Airport

-(Qui)-                                  Quiet,Rest           Acquit

-(Scrib)-(script)-                    Write                  Ascribe

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


(Mis-,-Mit)- to send - missile, transmission, emit

(Omni)- all- Omniscient

(Path)- feeling, disease- Sympathy

(Phil)- Greek meaning to Love- Philosopher

(Phon)- Sound- Phone

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

9/22/15 - Root Word Meanings

JUR/JUS- Greek and Latin root word meaning (Right or Law)

LOG/LOGUE- Greek root word means (Word)

LUC- Latin root word meaning (Place)

MAN/MANU- Latin root word meaning (Hand)

MAND/MEND- Latin root word meaning (Order)

Friday, September 18, 2015

Third Blog post (9/17/15)

[Dict] Latin root word meaning "say"

[Duc]- lead or make, produce, deduce, introduce

[Gen]- that which produces

[Geo]- the Earth

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Second Blog

[Bio]-meaning life

[Bene]-Latin word element meaning "Well"

[Chrono]-Relating to time Chronometry

Chronological order

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

First blog

My name is Emilio, I enjoy going hunting and fishing more than anything.
I am a very kind person and get along with most anyone I run into, In life i hope to achieve 
my goal of becoming a welder.

I am looking to improve five target areas during my senior year.
The first thing i hope to improve is my ability to type and operate
a computer, I also want to improve my writing skills such as essays 
and stories.There are other little thing I wish to improve such as 
my grades in school, my work ethic for subjects and skills we are being taught that
i feel will not help any of us in life, and to learn to not argue back for stupid stuff and
choose my battles wisely.